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CoT: Chapter 16

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The Subject of Negotiations


Egwene POV - Egwene and Gareth Bryne watch the White Tower from the riverbank to the west. The Alindrelle Erinin and the Osendrelle Erinin are each nearly a mile wide. Northharbor is blocked off with a huge iron chain to prevent attack. High Captain Jimar Chubain continues to bring in troops via river ship. She could sink the ships with the One Power, but that would be against the Three Oaths and Egwene insists on acting as though she has sworn on the Oath Rod.1 Bryne wants her to make gateways to bring his men into the city to fight, but she refuses. The White Tower must be preserved, not destroyed. She rides Daishar back to her waiting escort. They include Sheriam, Nisao and Sarin Hoigan, Morvrin and Jori, Myrelle and her three Warders, Anaiya and Setagana, Beonin and Tervail Dura. Carlinya has no Warder. They are now her official Council. While she was scouting the city Delana arrived. She continues to provoke the Hall calling for declarations that Elaida is Black Ajah.2 There are now 987 novices. Delana wants a private conversation. Delana asks if she intends to bond Bryne as her Warder. Egwene replies that she does not. She knows that she will bond Gawyn, but she does not know of he is still in Tar Valon or on his way to Caemlyn. Delana tells Egwene the Council gets their orders from their Ajah heads, not the Sitters, so their advice may be contrary to the Hall. Varilin, Takima, Magla, Faiselle and Saroiya have discussed negotiations with Elaida. All were Sitters before the break and are divided between Romanda and Lelaine. It is half a week since the eruption of the One Power. Yesterday Akarrin led a small party to investigate.3 It was difficult to convince anyone to go as they fear it was the work of the Forsaken.4 Egwene discusses Delana's thoughts with her Council. Each is annoyed with the Sitter from her own Ajah, except for Beonin who agrees that they should at least try to negotiate. Delana is furious with her.5 Egwene says it is okay for her and the other five to try, but Elaida's exile is an absolute condition. Beonin nearly faints at the challenge. Egwene will do whatever it takes, even sacrificing herself, to keep the White Tower whole. She has a plan if she can find a way to make it succeed.


  1. Egwene was originally opposed to the Oath Rod. Is this part of Halima's influence? The answer from Team Jordan is it was Siuan�s arguments that swayed her.
  2. Her apparent orders are to maintain and increase the antagonism between the rebels and the White Tower.
  3. The party comprises Akarrin - Brown, Therva - Yellow, Shana - White, Reiko - Blue, Nisain - Gray and an unidentified Green.
  4. It is clear that, despite her oath, Myrelle has not told Egwene that Lan was present at Shadar Logoth which she would know from her bond. Has she fuzzed the bond so she does not know or is this deliberate deception on her part or an error on Robert Jordan's part?
  5. All of Delana's actions mirror Halima's apparent goal of open war between the two Aes Sedai factions and Alviarin's goal of strife between the Ajahs and between the Sitters and Ajah heads.

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