Alviarin meets with Elaida in her quarters. Back in her own quarters she reports in detail to Mesaana. Mesaana orders her to keep pressing Elaida to increase the Tower Guard and teaches her to make a gateway. (ACoS,Prologue)
Alviarin returns to the White Tower after disappearing for two weeks. She punishes Elaida for taking independent action then has her sign a decree acknowledging Rand as the Dragon Reborn but declaring him a ward of the White Tower. She later meets with Mesaana who orders her to learn why the Ajah heads are secretly meeting. (TPoD,Ch25)
Alviarin returns to the White Tower to find herself displaced as Keeper. In a panic, she summons Mesaana who starts to punish her. Shaidar Haran appears and marks Alviarin as his. He orders her to find those who hunt the Black Ajah and bring them to him. He sends her away as he starts to punish Mesaana. (CoT,Ch21)
TSR,Ch31 - Verin recalls that Alviarin was most upset when she suggested that the White Ajah should serve as the hosts in their plan to breed gentled men.
LoC,Ch7 - Siuan finds evidence that Alviarin is countermanding Elaida's orders.
LoC,Ch27 - Rand believed Alviarin's letter and thinks that she leads a faction in the White Tower that secretly supports him.
LoC,Ch27 - When Rand asks the White Tower delegation about Alviarin, Galina answers leading Rand to believe that she is in league with Alviarin and secretly supports him.
LoC,Ch53 - Galina thinks she might be able to use Min to get the upper hand on Alviarin.