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Fedwin Morr
A Dedicated Asha'man.
Physical Description
He is stocky and is fifteen or sixteen. (LoC,Ch3) He is sixteen and husky. (TPoD,Ch14)
- Fedwin is at the farm when Rand arrives with Taim. (LoC,Ch3)
- Taim teaches Jonan Adley, Damer Flinn, Jur Grady, Eben Hopwil, Fedwin Morr and the other two recruits to blow up rocks and shield themselves. (LoC,Ch11)
- Eben and Fedwin are with the other students when Rand addresses them at the Black Tower. (LoC,Ch42)
- Fedwin is one of the Asha'man who come to Rand's rescue at Dumai's Wells. (LoC,Ch55)
- At Dumai's Wells Fedwin is one of the nine Asha'man selected to accompany Rand back to Cairhien. (ACoS,Ch2)
- He accompanies Rand to Caemlyn. Rand plans to leave him with Bashere and Bael as a messenger. (ACoS,Ch7)
- He joins Eben Hopwil and Jonan Adley when they reach the hillforts and attack. He has been Traveling to meet with them every night. (ACoS,Ch41)
- Rand sends Morr to scout Ebou Dar. (TPoD,Ch13)
- Morr returns with news that the Seanchan will move on Illian soon. Saidin is especially bad near Ebou Dar. When Rand says he will cleanse saidin, Torval, Narishma, Morr and Hopwil look at him with wonderment and hope. Dashiva looks poleaxed. (TPoD,Ch14)
- Morr and the other Asha'man accompany Rand as he Travels to Illian. Rand sends Morr into the city to bring more men of the Legion of the Dragon. (TPoD,Ch21)
- Gedwyn and Rochaid lead the Asha'man including Morr as they Travel with Rand to Altara. (TPoD,Ch22)
- After the first skirmish with the Seanchan, Flinn, Adley, Morr and Hopwil Heal the wounded. (TPoD,Ch23)
- Several battles later, Rand is wounded. Bashere and Gregorin Panar arrive from the south with Morr who Heals Rand. (TPoD,Ch23)
- Morr and seven other Asha'man hold gateways as Rand's army pours through, preparing for the final battle with the Seanchan. Morr goes with the Companions to the south. (TPoD,Ch24)
- Rand has Dashiva, Flinn, Morr and Hopwil accompany him to visit Cadsuane but he leaves them outside when they fail to intimidate her. (TPoD,Ch27)
- Morr is with Rand and Min in the throne room. After they leave and the rooms explode, Rand sends them to the cellars telling Morr to guard Min with his life. By the time Rand returns Morr has succumbed to the taint and has the mind of a child. Rand poisons him. (TPoD,Ch29)
Other References