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Charl Gedwyn
A full Asha'man. He calls himself Tsorovan'm'hael or "Storm Leader" in the Old Tongue.
Physical Description
He is a hard-faced young man. (LoC,Ch55) He is arrogant and cocky. (ACoS,Ch2) He is a few years older than Rand and of middling height. (TPoD,Ch21) He wears his hair caught at the nape of the neck with a silver clip. (WH,Ch33)
- At the battle of Dumai's Wells, Gedwyn starts to attack Gawyn before Rand knocks him down. Gedwyn nearly turns on Rand before Taim arrives and takes control. (LoC,Ch55)
- Gedwyn is with Rand, Taim and the other Asha'man in the aftermath at Dumai's Wells. Taim looks at him and he shakes his head no causing Taim to frown. Taim calls specifically for Gedwyn, Rochaid, Torval and Kisman when he prepares to return to the Black Tower. (ACoS,Ch2)
- Gedwyn and Rochaid arrive at Rand's camp with eight Dedicated and forty soldiers. (TPoD,Ch21)
- Gedwyn and Rochaid lead the Asha'man as they Travel with Rand to Altara. (TPoD,Ch22)
- After the first skirmish with the Seanchan, Gedwyn and Rochaid talk quietly together. (TPoD,Ch23)
- After several more battles, Rand sends Dashiva and Flinn with orders for Gedwyn to renew his attack. Gedwyn returns reporting that all the Seanchan are falling back. Gedwyn and Weiramon recommend that they push on to Ebou Dar. (TPoD,Ch23)
- Gedwyn and seven other Asha'man hold gateways as Rand's army pours through, preparing for the final battle with the Seanchan. Gedwyn then accompanies Weiramon. Bertome overhears Weiramon say to Gedwyn, "I don't care who you are. I won't take more risk without a command direct from the lips of" (TPoD,Ch24)
- After the explosion, Rand spies Dashiva, Gedwyn and Rochaid together. Gedwyn says "... telling you I felt nothing. He's dead." Dashiva spots him, snarls, and throws fireballs at him. A few minutes later the three apparently leave the Sun Palace via gateway. (TPoD,Ch29)
- Gedwyn and Torval arrive in Far Madding and rent the top floor of Zeram's house. (WH,Ch32)
- Fain is waiting for them when they return to the house. He kills them with the ruby dagger. (WH,Ch33)
Other References
- TPoD,Ch22 - Flinn is now stronger than Gedwyn or Rochaid and Narishma is not far behind.
- TPoD,Ch29 - Taim reports to Rand that Gedwyn, Kisman, Rochaid and Torval deserted.
- WH,Prologue - At the Black Tower, Taim adds Gedwyn, Kisman, Rochaid, Torval, Dashiva, Flinn, Hopwil and Narishma to the list of deserters.
- WH,Ch22 - Gedwyn, Kisman, Rochaid and Torval are all supposed to go to Far Madding and take out Rand together, but Rochaid convinces Kisman to plan a trap for Rand before the other two arrive.
- WH,Ch32 - Rand receives a mysterious note that says that Kisman is dead. Gedwyn and Torval are staying on the top floor of Zeram's house.
- WH,Ch33 - Fain creates illusions of Gedwyn and Torval in an attempt to trick Rand.