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The Old Tongue

The Old Tongue is the language spoken in the Age of Legends. In the current Westlands only the well-educated know more than a few words.

For a thorough discussion of the Old Tongue, its etymology and the meanings of words and phrases, one of the best sources is Aaron Bergman's The Compleat Old Tongue 2.0 and references therein.

Here is a listing of Old Tongue words and phrases by where they first appear in the books. They are linked to their definitions and etymology in The Compleat Old Tongue 2.0. Locations of definitions, if not in the same chapter, are added parenthetically.

Chapter Phrases
Guide ajah - a temporary organization
Alindrelle - no definition, but from context it means the "West Waters"
Osendrelle - no definition, but from context it means the "East Waters"
PotD alsa'daar - Moon Tower
SaSG Shadar Nor - Cutter of the Shadow, Slicer of the Shadow
NS,Ch16 carneira - first, or first lover
NS,Ch23 Rahien - dawn
TEotW,Prologue Ishamael - Betrayer of Hope
TEotW,Ch6 Avendesora - Tree of Life
Avendoraldera - no translation given
TEotW,Ch9 al - of, son of
ay - of, daughter of
Manetheren - Mountain Home
Manetherendrelle - Waters of the Mountain Home
TEotW,Ch13 Aldieb - West Wind, the wind that brings the spring rains
Mandarb - Blade
TEotW,Ch18 Carai an Caldazar. - For the honor of the Red Eagle.
Carai an Ellisande. Al Ellisande. - For the honor of the Rose of the Sun. The Rose of the Sun.
TEotW,Ch19 Shadar Logoth - the Place Where the Shadow Waits, Shadow's Waiting
TEotW,Ch25 Tuatha'an - Traveling People
Mahdi - Seeker
Far Dareis Mai - Maidens of the Spear
TEotW,Ch36 Al'cair'rahienallen - Hill of the Golden Dawn
ta'veren - no translation given
ta'maral'ailen - Web of Destiny
TEotW,Ch43 Machin Shin - Black Wind
TEotW,Ch46 Dai Shan - battle lord
Kiserai ti Wansho. - Glory to the Builders.
Tsingu ma choba - I am unworthy.
Ninte calichniye no domashita, Agelmar Dai Shan - Your welcome warms me, Lord Agelmar.
Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei - Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai.
TEotW,Ch48 Suravye ninto manshima taishite - Peace favor your sword.
TEotW,Ch49 Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar. - no translation given, word for word translation is - Death fear none holds my heart
Tsingu ma choshih, T'ingshen. - You honor me, Treebrother.
TEotW,Ch52 cuendillar - heartstone
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin - The grave is no bar to my call.
TGH,Ch2 shatayan - chatelaine, or head housekeeper
shambayan - chamberlain, or head butler
TGH,Ch4 Magami - Little Uncle
Atha'an Miere - Sea Folk
TGH,Ch7 Lanfear - Daughter of the Night
Do Miere A'vron - Watchers Over the Waves
TGH,Ch8 Tai'shar Malkier - true blood of Malkier
mashiara - lost love
TGH,Ch9 Kiseran - Builder
TGH,Ch16 alantin - Brother, short for Brother to the Trees
TGH,Ch19 alantin short for tia avende alantin - Brother to the Trees
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin - The grave is no bar to my call.
TGH,Ch21 Daes Dae'mar - the Great Game or Game of Houses
TGH,Ch22 a'vron - watchers
ma'vron short for Do Miere A'vron - Watchers Over the Waves
TGH,Ch29 Corenne - Return
Hailene - Forerunners, Those Who Come Before
Rhyagelle - Homecomers, Those Who Come Home.
damane - leashed one
TGH,Ch40 a'dam - leash
sul'dam - leash holder
marath'damane - Those Who Must Be Leashed
TGH,Glossary Gaidin - Brother to Battles
TDR,Map Alindrelle - no definition, but from context it means the "West Waters"
Osendrelle - no definition, but from context it means the "East Waters"
TDR,Prologue Ordeith - wormwood
Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem! - Footmen prepare to pass cavalry forward!
Los Valdar Cuebiyari! Los! - Forward the Heart Guard! - or - The Heart Guard will advance!
Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar! - For the honor of the Red Eagle! The Red Eagle!
Mia ayende, Aes Sedai! - Release me, Aes Sedai!
Caballein misain ye! - I am a free man!
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye! - I am no Aes Sedai meat!
TDR,Ch21 Tel'aran'rhiod - the Unseen World - or - the World of Dreams
TDR,Ch34 Shae'en M'taal - Stone Dogs
TDR,Ch35 Faile - falcon
TDR,Ch54 Aethan Dor - Red Shields
TSR,Ch1 so'jhin - a height among lowness, both sky and valley (TPoD,Glossary)
TSR,Ch22 Jeade'en - True Finder
Far Aldazar Din - Brothers of the Eagle
Duadhe Mahdi'in - Water Seekers
Seia Doon - Black Eyes
Sha'mad Conde - Thunder Walkers
TSR,Ch23 Aan'allein - One Man, the man who is an entire people
gai'shain - those sworn to peace in battle
ji'e'toh - honor and duty
Aes Sedai - servant of all
Aiel - dedicated, an oath written into your bones
Jenn Aiel - true dedicated
TSR,Ch25 Da'shain - one who is sworn to peace
TSR,Ch34 Car'a'carn - Chief of chiefs
Al'cair Dal - The Golden Bowl
shaiel - Woman Who Is Dedicated
TSR,Ch37 Sa souvraya niende misain ye. - I am lost in my own mind.
TSR,Ch57 Tain Shari - True Bloods
dovienya - luck
Mia dovienya nesodhin soende - translation uncertain
TSR,Glossary cadin'sor - working clothes
TFoH,Ch1 Serenla - stubborn daughter
Chalinda - sweet girl
TFoH,Ch3 Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya - Luck is a horse to ride like any other.
TFoH,Ch14 moghedien - a tiny, deadly spider.
TFoH,Ch43 Los! Los caba'drin! - Horsemen forward!
TFoH,Ch44 Sammael - Destroyer of Hope.
TFoH,Ch46 siswai'aman - the spear of the Dragon.
TFoH,Ch51 Shen an Calhar - Band of the Red Hand
TFoH,Ch53 Dovie'andi se tovya sagain. - It's time to roll the dice.
TFoH,Ch54 Cor Darei - Night Spears
TFoH,Glossary Rahien Sorei - Dawn Runners
Sovin Nai - Knife Hands
Hama N'dore - Mountain Dancers
LoC,Prologue Shaidar Haran - Hand of the Dark
Nae'blis - no translation - the Great Lord's Regent on Earth (TPoD,Ch12)
osan'gar - left-hand dagger
aran'gar - right-hand dagger
LoC,Ch5 Dovie'andi se tovya sagain. - It's time to toss the dice.
LoC,Ch6 Tsag! - an oath
Bajad drovja! - an oath
LoC,Ch42 Asha'man - guardian or defender of a just cause
ACoS,Ch1 algai'd'siswai - spear fighters
ACoS,Ch2 M'Hael - leader
da'tsang - despised one (ACoS,Ch40)
ACoS,Ch3 Sei'cair - Golden Eyes
ACoS,Ch11 Daishar - glory
ACoS,Ch16 Deveniye, dyu ninte concion ca'lyet ye - Majesty, by your summons do I come.
ACoS,Ch21 Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, Diynen'd'ma'purvene? - Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn?
ACoS,Ch25 cour'souvra - mindtrap
Mia'cova - One Who Owns Me, My Owner
Moridin - The Grave, Death
ACoS,Ch26 da'covale - person who is owned
der'sul'dam - master leash holder (TPoD,Glossary)
ACoS,Ch34 Tai'daishar - Lord of Glory
Seiera - blue-eye
ACoS,Ch37 ashandarei - no definition given, but Asha'man means "guardian" and darei means "spear"
ACoS,Ch40 Mera'din - Brotherless
Nar'baha - fool box
TPoD,Ch6 morat'raken - raken handler (TPoD,Glossary)
der'morat'raken - master raken handler (TPoD,Glossary)
TPoD,Ch8 Cha Faile - Falcon's Talon
TPoD,Ch12 Cyndane - Last Chance
TPoD,Ch21 Tsorovan'm'hael - Storm Leader
Baijan'm'hael - Attack Leader
TPoD,Ch23 morat'torm - torm handler
TPoD,Ch24 morat'grolm - grolm handler
sei'taer - straight eyes, level eyes (TPoD,Glossary)
TPoD,Glossary der'morat - master handler
morat - handler
sei'mosiev - lowered eyes, downcast eyes
WH,Ch14 Soe'feia - Truthspeaker or Speaker of Truth
CoT,Ch10 Siswai - spear
KoD,Prologue Atha'an Shadar - Darkfriend
KoD,Prologue Da'concion - Chosen Ones
KoD,Ch8 Akein - swallow
KoD,Ch10 Caisen - Old
KoD,Ch11 Piri - Match
KoD,Ch13 Mageen - Daisy
KoD,Ch15 Ansoen - lies, fiction
KoD,Ch15 Imsoen - truth, non-fiction
KoD,Ch26 ta'veren - tied to the Pattern
TGS,Ch35 Tsorov'ande Doon - Black-Souled Tempests
TGS,Ch44 amahn'rukane - translation uncertain
ToM,Ch16 shanna'har - translation uncertain � marriage celebration
ToM,Ch24 Desya gavane cierto cuendar isain carentin. - A resolute heart is worth ten arguments.
ToM,Ch31 Al dival, al kiserai, al mashi - For light, glory and love
ToM,Ch31 Carai an manshimaya ayend'an - Honor of my blade for the fallen
ToM,Ch40 Mah'alleinir - He who soars
ToM,Ch45 Tsodrelle'Aman - Tears of the Dragon
ToM,Glossary Cordamora - Heart of the People
AMoL,Prologue Samma N'Sei - Eye Blinders
AMoL,Prologue telarti - a woman with fire in her soul
AMoL,Prologue Hessalam - Without Forgiveness


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