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A full Asha'man. He is bonded to Nelavaire Demasiellin.
Physical Description
He has a strong, rectangular face and the lean build of a warrior. (TGS,Ch31)
- Naeff is a soldier in the Queen's Guard in Andor until he resigns in disgust at Gaebril. He makes his way to the Black Tower and earns his way to full Asha'man. (TGS,Ch31)
- Nelavaire Demasiellin, a Green sister, bonds him. (TGS,Ch31)
- Flinn, Narishma and Naeff help the Saldaean soldiers dig trenches around their camp. There are ten Asha'man in the camp but only these three are full Asha'man. (TGS,Ch1)
- Naeff helps extinguish the fire at Lord Tallaen�s manor. (TGS,Ch11)
- Bashere and Naeff negotiate meeting sites with the Seanchan. (TGS,Ch31)
- Nynaeve, Flinn and Naeff accompany Rand as he rides through Bandar Eban. Naeff reports to Rand that the Seanchan rejected Katar, so Rand proposes Falme]. (TGS,Ch31)
- Flinn and Naeff lead the way through Bandar Eban and open gateways when Rand moves from Bandar Eban to the Stone of Tear. (TGS,Ch42)
- Nynaeve, Naeff, Narishma and two hundred Aiel accompany Rand to his meeting with the Borderlanders representatives. (TGS,Ch44)
- Nynaeve and Naeff investigate a bubble of evil that turns a section of Tear to dust. She delves him and finds a black web on his brain. She successfully removes it and his madness is gone. (ToM,Ch15)
- Rand Travels to Bandar Eban with Min, Naeff and others. He sets up a government and guard force, then goes to the docks where they find that all the remaining food on the Sea Folk ships is fine. (ToM,Ch25)
- Flinn and Naeff accompany Rand, Bashere and his army to rescue Maradon. Naeff can scarcely believe the power and number of weaves Rand uses to destroy the Shadowspawn army. (ToM,Ch32)
- Rand teaches Naeff to disguise himself and sends him to the Black Tower to find Logain and those loyal to him. (ToM,Ch51)
Other References