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Logain Ablar
Pronunciation: loh-GAIN
aka: Dalyn
A false Dragon who can channel. He is a minor noble from Ghealdan.
Physical Description
He is tall and handsome, short of his middle years, with long, dark, curling hair. (TGH,Ch24) He is dark for a Ghealdanin. He now wears an enameled pin on his shoulder showing three golden crowns in a field of blue. (KoD,Ch18)
- Born 972 NE in Ghealdan. (ACoS,Glossary)
- Logain begins to channel circa 993 NE. (LoC,Ch52)
- Logain declares himself the Dragon Reborn. He builds an army and starts war in Ghealdan. (TEotW,Ch3)
- King Johanin strips Logain of his titles and lands. (KoD,Ch18)
- Logain wins a major battle and heads toward Tear. (TEotW,Ch13, TEotW,Ch14)
- Logain is captured and near Lugard while he was trying to move his army from Ghealdan to Tear. He is taken from there to Tar Valon. The procession stops at every town and village including Caemlyn to show that the Aes Sedai captured him.
- Logain is paraded through Caemlyn. He sees Rand in the crowd near the Royal Palace and knows from the glow around him that they young man will cause much more trouble than Logain ever did. (TEotW,Ch39, LoC,Ch30)
- In the Royal Palace, Queen Morgase views Logain up close. (TEotW,Ch40)
- In the White Tower Logain is gentled. (TGH,Ch4)
- Egwene and Elayne see Logain under the supervision of an Accepted. He looks sad. (TGH,Ch24)
- Logain is still in the White Tower and always looks sad. (TGH,Ch38)
- Logain walks through the White Tower where Min is sitting. (TSR,Ch17)
- Logain escapes in the confusion of the battle of the White Tower. Min, Siuan and Leane find him and help him to leave Tar Valon. (TSR,Ch47)
- He is hiding with Min, Siuan, and Leane in Admer Nem's farm. They are discovered. He hits Admer Nem and runs away with their horses. He also steals a purse of gold and silver. He later rescues them as they are being taken back to Gareth Bryne's manor. (TFoH,Ch1)
- Siuan, Leane, Min and Logain make their way to Lugard where Siuan learns that the rebel Aes Sedai are gathering in Salidar. (TFoH,Ch11)
- Siuan, Leane, Min and Logain arrive at Salidar. They meet Anaiya, Carlinya, Myrelle and Sheriam. The Aes Sedai send Min and Logain outside to wait. (TFoH,Ch26)
- Logain is in the Salidar inn when Gareth Bryne arrives. (TFoH,Ch28)
- Nynaeve studies Siuan, Leane and Logain to learn about stilling. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Logain relates his story of being set up by the Red Ajah to some Altaran nobles. (LoC,Ch8)
- Nynaeve Heals Logain back to his full strength in the One Power. (LoC,Ch29)
- Logain pretends that nothing happened, but then struggles to escape when the Aes Sedai realize that he really can channel again. (LoC,Ch30)
- Logain "escapes" from the Salidar Aes Sedai with the help of Egwene and Siuan. (LoC,Ch52)
- Logain captures and bonds Gabrelle. (WH,Prologue)
- Now a full Asha'man in the Black Tower, Logain captures Toveine Gazal and bonds her, his second. (TPoD,Ch26)
- Logain meets with several of his Asha'man. (WH,Prologue)
- Logain gets permission from Taim to leave the Black Tower, ostensibly to go recruiting. (CoT,Prologue)
- Logain meets with Davram Bashere who agrees to help him find Rand. (CoT,Prologue)
- Logain arrives at Cairhien with half a dozen other Asha'man and Aes Sedai. (CoT,Prologue)
- Guided by the missing Aes Sedai's Warders, Logain Travels to find Rand accompanied by Bashere and a hundred of his horsemen, a half dozen other Asha'man, eight Aes Sedai including Toveine, Gabrelle and Samitsu, Loial and Karldin. (CoT,Ch24)
- Logain reports to Rand on the status of the Black Tower, that Taim has gained control. He is skeptical that Rand cleansed the taint. Rand sends Bashere, Logain and Loial to negotiate a truce with the Seanchan. (CoT,Ch24)
- Bashere, Logain and Loial discuss a truce with the Seanchan, but High Lady Suroth wants Rand to meet the Daughter of the Nine Moons. (CoT,Epilogue)
- Logain returns and reports to Rand on the Black Tower and Arad Doman. (KoD,Ch18)
- When the Trollocs attack and Lews Therin uses Age of Legends battle weaves, Logain quickly picks them up and helps fight. (KoD,Ch19)
- After the battle, Rand, Cadsuane, Alivia, Logain and Min survey the carnage. (KoD,Ch20)
- Rand sends Logain to the Sea Folk in Illian. He tells the gathered Wavemistresses that the Coramoor orders them to ship supplies to Arad Doman. He is sympathetic when he hears the tragedy of the Amayar, but he orders the Sea Folk to mourn while they march to Tarmon Gai'don. (KoD,Ch22)
- Logain reports to Rand that the Sea Folk are reluctant to return Harine to him. (TGS,Ch5)
- Rand Travels to Altara with a large party of Asha'man, Aes Sedai, Saldaeans and Maidens. Rand rides to the meeting with Cadsuane, Nynaeve, Logain, Jahar Narishma, Donalo Sandomere and Min. When her disguise is disrupted, Semirhage blows off Rand's left hand with a fireball. (KoD,Ch27)
- Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Logain and Merise are with Rand when he returns the sul'dam and damane to Ebou Dar. (TGS,Prologue)
Other References
- TEotW,Ch3 - Padan Fain brings stories of a false Dragon in Ghealdan.
- TEotW,Ch13 - Avin reports to Moiraine and Lan that there was a battle in Ghealdan and Logain is heading for Tear.
- TEotW,Ch14 - Lan heard that the false Dragon Logain won a battle in Ghealdan. Lan seems to know Logain.
- TEotW,Ch14 - Ba'alzamon tells Rand that the White Tower used Davian, Yurian Stonebow, Raolin Darksbane and Guaire Amalasan and is using Logain.
- TEotW,Ch15 - Thom tells Rand that those men he named we all dangerous.
- TEotW,Ch26 - Bartim tells Thom, Rand and Mat about Logain.
- TEotW,Ch33 - An innkeeper thinks that Rand and Mat are on their way to see Logain.
- TEotW,Ch40 - Rand meets Morgase and family because he was trying to see Logain.
- TEotW,Ch52 - Rand tells Moiraine that Ba'alzamon told him that the White Tower used Logain and other false Dragons. He will not be used.
- TGH,Ch4 - Anaiya tells Moiraine that Logain is in Tar Valon and has been gentled.
- TGH,Ch5 - Siuan wonders if Logain could possibly be the real Dragon Reborn.
- TGH,Ch31 - Verin believes that Logain would be fried if he tried to use the male giant statue.
- TSR,Ch13 - Mat overhears a discussion in a tavern. The men think Logain was a much better Dragon than Rand because he had whole countries at war.
- TSR,Ch17 - Min has a viewing of Logain - a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It shouted of glory and power to come.
- TFoH,Ch12 - Gareth Bryne and his men reach Lugard and learn that Siuan, Logain and the others were there.
- TFoH,Ch27 - Siuan tells the Salidar Aes Sedai that the Red Ajah set up Logain as a false Dragon.
- LoC,Prologue - Niall tells Morgase that Logain was set up by the White Tower.
- LoC,Ch9 - Balwer reports to Niall that Logain is now in Salidar.
- LoC,Ch13 - Tarna Feir learns that Siuan and Leane are in Salidar. Somehow she learns that Logain is there as well.
- LoC,Ch22 - The rumor of the Red Ajah setting up Logain reaches Mat and the Band of the Red Hand.
- LoC,Ch30 - Logain has the Talent of seeing ta'veren.
- LoC,Ch30 - The Salidar Aes Sedai discuss whether or not to gentle Logain again.
- LoC,Ch36 - Sheriam and her circle tell Egwene about Nynaeve Healing Logain.
- LoC,Ch37 - Halima orders Delana to press for gentling or even killing Logain.
- LoC,Ch52 - Carlinya, Sheriam, Lelaine and Romanda want Logain gentled again. Delana wants him killed. Egwene arranges with Siuan for him to "escape."
- LoC,Epilogue - Aran'gar tells Moghedien to vanish like Logain did.
- ACoS,Prologue - Tarna Feir's report to Elaida on the Salidar Aes Sedai noted that Elayne, Nynaeve, Siuan and Logain are there.
- ACoS,Ch8 - The Salidar Aes Sedai camp is tense since Logain escaped.
- ACoS,Ch8 - Sheriam tells Egwene that, after learning the Red Ajah set up Logain, the Salidar Aes Sedai leaders had to do something. Elaida was demanding that sisters return to the White Tower so they chose ten to return as moles to spread the story about Logain.
- ACoS,Ch10 - Egwene considers trying to find Logain's dreams.
- ACoS,Ch10 - Egwene has a dream where Logain, laughing, steps over something onto a black stone. It looks like Rand's body, but when she touches his face it breaks like paper puppet.
- ACoS,Ch12 - Egwene's headaches began the day after Logain escaped, the first time she talked to Halima.
- ACoS,Ch19 - Cadsuane helped capture both Logain and Taim.
- ACoS,Ch24 - The Kin have heard rumors of rebel Aes Sedai with a girl Amyrlin and that the Red Ajah set up Logain.
- ACoS,Ch32 - Aes Sedai in the White Tower are hearing rumors that the Red Ajah set up Logain. Red Ajah members are not responding to the allegation.
- TPoD,Ch12 - Cadsuane is irritated with herself for chasing after Logain and Taim instead of Rand.
- TPoD,Ch15 - Siuan is shocked at the idea of giving up the Three Oaths even though she started and spread the lie about Logain and the Reds.
- TPoD,Ch19 - Egwene has her sworn Aes Sedai spend the day talking about Logain and brings him up again during the meeting of the Hall to reinforce her position for the War Vote.
- TPoD,Ch26 - Zerah Dacan and the rest of the Salidar Aes Sedai spies in the White Tower truly believe that the Red Ajah set up Logain.
- TPoD,Ch26 - Taim does not like Logain.
- WH,Prologue - Logain is the only full Asha'man who does not live in Taim's palace.
- CoT,Ch30 � Egwene briefly considers that Logain might be responsible for Anaiya's and Kairen's deaths.
- KoD,Prologue � Toveine sends a letter to the Red Ajah informing them that Logain is Healed and that they are with Rand.
- TGS,Ch5 � Seeing Harine, Rand recalls that Logain said the Sea Folk were reluctant to return her to him.
- TGS,Ch8 � Gareth Bryne presses Siuan on why she broke oath. At first she hedges and says she had to get Logain to Salidar then she tells him the truth about the Foretelling on the Dragon Reborn.
- ToM,Ch46 � No one at the Black Tower has heard from Logain, Donalo, Mezar and Welyn in the weeks since they left.
- ToM,Ch51 � Rand tells Naeff to disguise himself and seek out Logain and those loyal to him.
- ToM,Ch56- Logain was impressed at Androl's skill at gateways.
- ToM,Ch56 � Mezar returns to the Black Tower acting odd. He reports that all is well with Logain.