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Saerin Asnobar
An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and a Sitter in the Hall for forty years. She remains loyal to the White Tower. She is Altaran.
Physical Description
She has olive skin and dark hair with some white at the temples. She has a scar on one cheek. (TPoD,Ch26)
- Doesine, Saerin, Talene and Yukiri follow Pevara and Seaine into the bowels of the White Tower and discover them with the Oath Rod. She proves she is not Black Ajah by reswearing the oaths. (TPoD,Ch26)
- Saerin takes charge when they discover that Talene is a Darkfriend. Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri question Talene with the Chair of Remorse. Talene admits she is Black Ajah and tells them that Elaida is also. (WH,Prologue)
- Saerin and Pevara decide to keep the rebel moles secret until their usefulness is over. (CoT,Prologue)
- When Talene receives an order to attend a Black Ajah Supreme Council meeting, Saerin hides her in the basement but she runs away anyway. (KoD,Prologue)
- Egwene coerces Meidani into revealing the Sitters� cabal. They walk in on Doesine, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri. She convinces them she is legitimate and charges them with restoring relationships between the Ajahs. (TGS,Ch12)
- While being escorted from her cell back to the novice quarters, Egwene passes Saerin. Saerin gives her an update on Elaida and Silviana. (TGS,Ch38)
- Saerin attempts to coordinate the White Tower defense. (TGS,Ch41)
- After the attack ends, Saerin reviews their losses. She is astounded at how effective Egwene and her novices were. (TGS,Ch41)
- The eleven remaining Sitters in the White Tower Hall, Andaya, Doesine, Ferane, Juilaine, Rina, Rubinde, Saerin, Seaine, Shevan, Suana and Yukiri, raise Egwene to the Amyrlin Seat. (TGS,Ch46)
- Barasine, Saerin, Yukiri and the other Sitters are compelled to silence when Rand confronts Egwene. (ToM,Ch3)
- Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri report to Egwene on the information they found about Mesaana. (ToM,Ch15)
- Barasine, Lelaine, Romanda, Rubinde, Saerin Seaine and Yukiri judge Nynaeve's test for the shawl. Egwene also participates. Romanda, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri vote yes. (ToM,Ch20)
- Egwene interrupts a partial meeting of the Hall. Saerin and Janya arrive late, Doesine and Yukiri even later. She coerces them into accepting command of the military but ceding her all negotiations with rulers including the Dragon Reborn. She also forces them to accept much stricter rules to reduce subterfuge. (ToM,Ch27)
- Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri have found nothing new about Mesaana. (ToM,Ch35)
- After the battle in Tel'aran'rhiod starts, Saerin, Morvrin and Brendas report to Egwene. Amys pushes Brendas out of the dream to wake Morvrin, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri to take them out of danger. (ToM,Ch37)
Other References