If you want a local copy of Encyclopaedia WoT on your desktop or laptop, here is the page where you can download. You may download a copy of the Encyclopaedia WoT, provided that:
Note also that this site will be frequently updated.
With that in mind, here are the ZIP files. TOP refers to the top level directory into which you will unzip these files. It might, for example, refer to 'C:\Program Files\ewot'.
Item | Zipped Size | Unzipped Size | Last Modified | Unzip Into |
The top level of files | 0.1 MB | 0.2 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP |
main | 0.2 MB | 0.6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/main |
books | 2 MB | 6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/books |
characters a-k | 2 MB | 6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/characters |
characters l-z | 2 MB | 6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/characters |
creatures | 0.2 MB | 0.6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/creatures |
geography | 0.6 MB | 2 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/geography |
graphics | 9 MB | 9 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/graphics |
history | 0.2 MB | 0.5 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/history |
items | 0.2 KB | 0.5 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/items |
organizations | 0.3 KB | 1 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/organizations |
prophecies | 0.1 MB | 0.1 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/prophecies |
sounds | 2 MB | 6 MB | Sept 2012 | TOP/sounds |
Having difficulty unzipping the zip file? In some cases, the zip utility that is built into Windows determines that the WoT zip files are from a "foreign" computer and are a security risk. The zip file seems to open but appears to be empty. If this happens, try using a standalone zip utility such as Winzip.
The latest and greatest version of the Wheel of Time FAQ was released in October 2010. It will only be online for now, but we expect there to be a downloadable edition in the future. All the FAQ links in Encyclopaedia WoT through ToM are updated. Please let us know if we missed one!
Please note: The Wheel of Time FAQ is copyright 2004 by Leigh Butler, Pamela Korda and Erica Sadun, copyright 2010 by Dragonmount.com. Comments and questions regarding the content should be directed to Jennifer at Jennifer.Liang at gmail.com. The Wheel of Time FAQ is not affiliated with Encyclopaedia WoT. |
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