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The Gathering Storm Towers of Midnight A Memory of Light
  1. Some Tea
  2. A Backhanded Request
  3. A Reunion
  4. Working Leather
  5. A Teaching Chamber
  6. Near Avendesora
  7. Court of the Sun
  8. Choosing Enemies
  9. A Testing
  10. Boots
  11. Gateways
  12. The Light of the World
  13. The One Left Behind
  14. Something Wrong
  15. A Rabbit for Supper
  1. Apples First
  2. Questions of Leadership
  3. The Amyrlin's Anger
  4. The Pattern Groans
  5. Writings
  6. Questioning Intentions
  7. Lighter than a Feather
  8. The Seven-Striped Lass
  9. Blood in the Air
  10. After the Taint
  11. An Unexpected Letter
  12. An Empty Ink Bottle
  13. For What Has Been Wrought
  14. A Vow
  15. Use a Pebble
  16. Shanna'har
  17. Partings, and a Meeting
  18. The Strength of This Place
  19. Talk of Dragons
  20. A Choice
  21. An Open Gate
  1. The End of a Legend
  2. Foxheads
  3. To Make a Stand
  4. Return to Bandar Eban
  5. Parley
  6. A Call to Stand
  7. Oddities
  8. A Terrible Feeling
  9. Men Dream Here
  10. Into the Void
  11. A Storm of Light
  12. A Good Soup
  13. Judgment
  14. The Right Thing
  15. An Invitation
  16. Darkness in the Tower
  17. Wounds
  18. In the Three-fold Land
  19. A Making
  20. An Unexpected Ally
  21. Stronger than Blood

Plot Threads

The numbers represent the chapters.

Brown = Perrin
White = Galad and his Whitecloaks
Blue = Rand
Magenta = Nynaeve
Green = Egwene
Cyan = Elayne
Orange = Mat
Light Green = Lan
Black = The Forsaken
Light Blue = The Black Tower
Dark Magenta = Min
Red = Ituralde
Yellow = Gawyn
Dark Cyan = Aviendha

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