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ToM: Chapter 23

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Elayne POV � Elayne is at the play but she focuses on the foxhead medallion and the copy she made. It fails to work with more powerful weaves, plus she cannot channel when holding it. She can channel when holding the original. She worries about the gholam. The play comes to an end with Walishen�s death. In addition to several of the Kin, Dyelin, Conail Northan, Catalyn Haevin and Sylvase Caeren are there along with Ellorien. Sylvase is annoyed that Ellorien is there. Her secretary has been questioning the prisoners but with no information so far. Elayne recalls that Ispan seemed to be under some sort of Compulsion.1 Elayne suddenly has an idea how to get around that problem. Birgitte will not like it but she is not there. She speaks briefly with Ellorien as she leaves, hoping that she will recall Gaebril�s true identity and the years of mutual respect she and Morgase had before. Kaila Bent tells her that Birgitte is with Mat. In her rooms, she dons a black cloak and weaves Fire and Air for the Mirror of Mists to disguise herself as something creepy. She feels safe visiting the Black Ajah alone because of Min�s viewing. She Travels to Chesmal�s cell in the dungeons and pretends to be a Forsaken. Chesmal is taken in and tells her one of the two they seek, Mat, is in Caemlyn and they are planning an assassination. They are almost in position for the invasion of Andor.2 Elayne no longer feels the Kin holding Chesmal�s shield. The cell door opens and it is the secretary,3 Temaile and Eldrith. Eldrith sees through the sham. Elayne manages to shield Eldrith and Chesmal but the secretary attacks her breaking her shoulder. She knocks him away with Air but gets the foxhead medallion from her. She and Temaile fight but Elayne is stronger, knocking her out with Air and shielding her. The secretary runs but Elayne throws Chesmal at him and he drops the foxhead medallion. She retrieves it, but Doilin Mellar stabs her from behind and takes it. Chesmal shields her. He orders Chesmal to Heal Elayne so he can have her alive. After the Healing, Elayne gets her to take the second foxhead medallion. Chesmal�s shield on her fails and Elayne hits her with Fire. Mellar has both medallions. She holds Eldrith between him and her but he simply slits Eldrith�s throat. He kills Temaile as well saying it was his orders.4 Using all the One Power she can muster, she pulls the ceiling down on top of him. He ducks away and runs dropping one medallion. It is the original. Birgitte and Mat arrive and report that the guards and Kin outside are dead.5 They take Elayne to Melfane.

Gawyn POV � Egwene releases Gawyn from his bond of Air then leaves him for an hour. When she returns, she is furious that he revealed her traps and spooked Mesaana. She admits it might have been a Gray Man or a Darkfriend but she still would have captured them.6 She told him she had taken precautions and he still disobeyed. Silviana glares at him as he leaves. Chubain inspects the knife that was thrown at Gawyn. The blade has three bits of blood-colored rock embedded. They will check to see if Bryne has even seen the like. Gawyn tells him that he will send him the Younglings who want to be soldiers. Gawyn goes to the stable and saddles Challenge. At the Traveling ground Nimri opens gateway. He will go to Caemlyn and Elayne.

Lan POV � Lan is incensed when he sees Nazar tuck a golden crane banner into his saddlebag. They are in eastern Kandor near the border of Arafel. Bulen gets breakfast ready. Lan sees several new tents in the camp and eight men talking with Andere. Three appear Malkieri and five Shienaran. Andere introduces the Malkieri as Weilin Aldragoran, Managan and Gorenellin. The Shienarans are Qi, Joao, Merekel, Ianor and Kuehn. Andere met them earlier and sent them ahead to wait on this roadway. Rakim found them last night. The Malkieri merchants sold all they could and brought two dozen wagons of supplies and a dozen warhorses. Lan agrees that they can come, but swears them to silence. They will pose as a caravan of merchants.7 The five have become dozens.


  1. Her Black Ajah oath not to betray the Great Lord.
  2. We learn more of the invasion in ToM,Epilogue.
  3. Jaq Lounalt
  4. Why did Eldrith and Temaile die? In ToM,Ch24 Elayne speculates the Mellar had an order of "no loose ends" and carried it out. That seems reasonable.
  5. Mellar also murders Jaq Lounalt. Mellar, Lady Shiaine, Marillin Gemalphin and Falion Bhoda escape. (ToM,Ch24)
  6. She has no idea it was one of the Bloodknives.
  7. This plan is undone in a surprising way. (ToM,Ch42)

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