Shaidar Haran
Super Fade. Shaidar Haran means "Hand of the Dark" in the Old Tongue. See the discussion on the nature of Shaidar Haran in the FAQ, Section 1.4.05, local FAQ, Section 1.4.05.
Physical Description
It looks like a Myrddraal except that it is much taller and it appears to have a sense of humor.
- A Myrddraal confronts Rand at the Stag and Lion, smiling as it approaches him. (TEotW,Ch17)
- As Bors and the other Darkfriends wait, two Trollocs open the doors and admit a Myrddraal that smiles and announces that their Master comes. (TGH,Prologue)
- In the Fal Dara keep a Fade approaches Rand, smiling as it comes. (TGH,Ch6)
- An early version of Shaidar Haran confronts Jaichim Carridin in the Fortress of the Light and orders him to kill Rand. (TDR,Prologue)
- Shaidar Haran meets Demandred at Shayol Ghul, introduces itself, and escorts him to the Pit of Doom. (LoC,Prologue)
- Mesaana visits the Pit of Doom, but neither the Great Lord nor an overly large Myrddraal will speak to her. (LoC,Prologue)
- Shaidar Haran welcomes Osan'gar and Aran'gar to their new bodies and new jobs. (LoC,Prologue)
- Shaidar Haran oversees Semirhage's questioning of Cabriana Mecandes. (LoC,Ch6)
- Shaidar Haran is in the Pit of Doom when Demandred visits. (LoC,Epilogue)
- Shaidar Haran escorts Moghedien to the Pit of Doom where she is mindtrapped. It abuses her in a vacuole then turns her over to Moridin. (ACoS,Ch25)
- Shaidar Haran watches from the shadows as Sammael scatters the Shaido across the Westlands. It is not sure if this will further chaos or not. (ACoS,Ch40)
- Shaidar Haran tells Graendal that Moridin is Nae'blis and she is to pay him a visit. It tells her that when it speaks she is to hear the voice of the Great Lord. (TPoD,Ch12)
- Fearing discovery, Alviarin uses the tiny red rod to summon Mesaana. Mesaana starts to punish her, but Shaidar Haran suddenly appears. He marks Alviarin as his and orders her to find out who is hunting the Black Ajah, then he begins to punish Mesaana for failing to come when summoned. (CoT,Ch21)
- Shaidar Haran retrieves the sad bracelets from Cadsuane�s warded box, knocks out the three Aes Sedai guards, killing only the one with no Warder, and frees Semirhage. (TGS,Ch22)
- Moridin gets direct orders from either the Great Lord or Shaidar Haran. (ToM,Ch5)
- Shaidar Haran comes to Graendal. He blames her for the loss of three of the Forsaken and failing to kill Perrin. Her punishment begins. (ToM,Epilogue)
- Shaidar Haran assigns another of the Forsaken to take on Rand. (ToM,Epilogue)
Other References
- LoC,Prologue - Shaidar Haran means "Hand of the Dark" in the Old Tongue.
- LoC,Prologue - Demandred notes that the stone spikes in the tunnel to the Pit of Doom clear Haran's head by two hands. This is a clear sign of its high standing with the Great Lord.
- LoC,Ch6 - The Great Lord tells Semirhage that when she obeys Shaidar Haran, she obeys the Great Lord. When she disobeys Shaidar Haran...
- ACoS,Ch40 - Shaidar Haran can detect One Power flows and, unlike other Myrddraal, it can smell the difference between saidin and saidar.
- ACoS,Ch40 - Shaidar Haran begins to feel achy and weak when it is away from Shayol Ghul for too long.
- CoT,Ch21 � Alviarin is terrified of Shaidar Haran, believing him to be the Great Lord incarnate.
- KoD,Prologue � Alviarin is still overwhelmed by her meeting with Shaidar Haran. She thinks he is the Great Lord himself.