Sebban Balwer
Secretary to Pedron Niall. In fact, he is the head spy for the Whitecloaks. He is from Amadicia.
Physical Description
He is narrow and pinched with knobby shoulders and a disapproving mouth. (LoC,Ch9) He is a small, nervous, bird-like man with a pinched face. (ACoS,Prologue)
- Balwer sends and agent to Tear to convince Estanda and Tedosian to rebel. (LoC,Ch9)
- Balwer is waiting for Niall when he returns to the Fortress of the Light. (LoC,Prologue)
- Sebban Balwer reports the news to Pedron Niall. He is clearly miffed that Niall has sources other than himself and does not always take his advice. (LoC,Ch9)
- Balwer reports to Niall. After Morgase signs the treaty, Niall gives it to Balwer for safekeeping. (LoC,Ch31)
- Balwer walks in on Valda and Asunawa after Niall is killed, but does not seem to realize that they were really the assassins. (ACoS,Prologue)
- After the Seanchan invade Amador, Balwer helps Morgase and the rest of her party escape and they all head east. (ACoS,Ch26)
- Perrin and his party rescue Morgase, Breane, Lini, Gill, Lamgwin, Tallanvor and Balwer from a bunch of Dragonsworn. (TPoD,Ch7)
- Faile offers to make Maighdin and her party personal servants and Maighdin accepts on their behalf. (TPoD,Ch8)
- Balwer offers to serve as Perrin's and Faile's secretary. He advises Perrin on the Seanchan and the Whitecloaks demonstrating his skills obtaining and analyzing information. (TPoD,Ch9)
- Perrin visits Masema with Neald, Grady, Balwer, Edarra, Carelle, Masuri, Seonid, their three Warders, Aram and Elyas. Balwer hangs out around Abila to gather information. (TPoD,Ch30)
- Balwer rejoins Perrin after the meeting with Masema. Balwer reports that the Seanchan defeated King Ailron and his army at Jeramel, but Valda and his Whitecloaks escaped and are heading east. (WH,Ch1)
- Balwer listens intently to the reports that Faile and the others were kidnapped by Aiel. Then he disappears. (WH,Ch2)
- Balwer has Selande report to Perrin on Masema�s activities. They discuss whether Masema is meeting with the Whitecloaks or the Seanchan. (CoT,Ch5)
- Latian and Medore accompany Balwer and Perrin to So Habor. Balwer claims that he has an acquaintance in the town. (CoT,Ch25)
- When they arrive at So Habor, Balwer takes off from the rest of the party with Latian and Medore in tow. (CoT,Ch26)
- Balwer's friend is out of town for the day, so he, Latian and Medore stay behind in So Habor when Perrin and the others return to camp. Four days later they return bringing Tallanvor with them. (CoT,Ch27)
- Balwer reports to Perrin that Aram is spending a lot of time with Masema. (KoD,Ch4)
- Balwer and several Cha Faile accompany Perrin and Tylee to Almizar. Balwer and Medore slip into town to scout. (KoD,Ch12)
- Perrin looks on as his small force enters the Malden aqueduct and the Seanchan begin dumping in forkroot. Back at his camp he meets with Tylee, Balwer and Berelain for a news update. (KoD,Ch26)
- Balwer and Berelain stay behind during the battle of Malden. (KoD,Ch29)
- Balwer badgers Perrin to get back some of the Shaido Wise Ones from the Seanchan for questioning. (TGS,Ch9)
- Balwer continues to bring disputes to Perrin for him to manage. (TGS,Ch9)
- Balwer attends Perrin�s staff meeting. He asks to go along on the scouting mission to Cairhien. (ToM,Ch6)
- When scouts report on the Whitecloak camp, Balwer says that the banner in the camp means that the Lord Captain Commander is there. (ToM,Ch7)
- Balwer thinks that the army on the Jehannah Road comprises the bulk of the remaining Children of the Light. (ToM,Ch18)
- Returned from scouting in Cairhien, Balwer reports that Rand has set up a meeting with the Seanchan and that assassins are circulating pictures of Perrin and Mat. Perrin offers him a raise but he says working for Perrin is salary enough. (ToM,Ch21)
- Perrin shows Balwer of the Lord Captain Commander�s signet ring but Balwer does not recognize it. (ToM,Ch24)
Other References