TEotW,Ch1, An Empty Road, hc 4 pb 5
Rand recalls, "The ponds and streams of the Riverwood, [...] where he had learned to swim." Only there is no Riverwood in the Two Rivers.
Rand now recalls, "The ponds and streams of the Waterwood, [...] where he had learned to swim."
TEotW,Ch4, The Gleeman, hc 44 pb 51
Thom offers to tell stories including, "Mosk the Giant [...] and his wars with Alsbet, the Queen of All." There is no obvious error here, yet:
Thom now tells of "Elsbet, the Queen of All." Maybe Jordan thought readers would confuse her with Alsbet Luhhan.
TEotW,Ch20, Dust on the Wind, hc 256 pb 304
Fleeing Shadar Logoth, Thom throws knives at pursuing Trollocs then mutters, "My best knives." But later on in Whitebridge Thom attacks the Myrddraal, knives in hands, and Rand sees a blue flash. If these leftover knives are One Power wrought, then what in the world were Thom's best knives!?
Thom now mutters, "My second-best knives." However, in TEotW,Ch24, Flight Down the Arinelle, hc pb 354, Rand still sees Thom check his remaining knives, "his second-best".
TEotW,Ch36, Web of the Pattern, hc 460 pb 547
Loial tells Rand, "Not many of us have gone out among men since the Shadow fell on the Ways. That's . . . oh, six generations, now. Right after the Trolloc Wars, it was." This is clearly wrong as numerous other references indicate that the Ways started going dark about a thousand years ago.
Loial now says, "That's . . . oh, six generations, now. Right after the War of the Hundred Years, it was."
TEotW,Ch51, Against the Shadow, hc 639 pb 761
Rand sees his mother, Kari al'Thor, "another woman, little older than the Wisdom, dark-eyed and beautiful." But in other places Rand thinks that he got his gray eyes from his mother.
Rand now sees Kari as, "another woman, little older than the Wisdom, gray-eyed and beautiful."
TEotW Glossary, hc 663 pb 790
In the original Glossary entry for Jain Farstrider, it says, "He disappeared in 994 NE." This is at odds with other statements in the text that indicate he disappeared twenty years ago.
The glossary is corrected to say, "He disappeared in 981 NE."
TEotW Glossary, hc 669 pb 799, TGH Glossary, hc 597 pb 704, TDR Glossary, hc 594 pb 697, TSR Glossary, hc 698 pb 1004, TFoH Glossary, hc 701 pb 987
In early printings of the first five books, the Glossary entry for "Warder" reads in part, "So long as a Warder lives, the Aes Sedai to whom he is bonded knows he is alive however far away he is, and when he dies she will know the moment and manner of his death. The bonding does not tell her how far he is, though, nor in what direction." From events in later books, the second sentence is clearly wrong.
In later printings, the second sentence is omitted.
TGH,Ch2, The Welcome, hc 16 pb 19 Starscape 23
Rand sees the Amyrlin's party arrive at Fal Dara. "Just inside the main gate, a line of men stood beside their horses, sixteen of them. [...] One and all, they wore the color-shifting cloak he had first seen on Lan." The number of Warders cannot be correct as the two Green sisters have two Warders each (TGH,Ch12) while Leane (LoC,Ch30) and Carlinya (CoT,Ch16) have none.
Rand now sees, "Just inside the main gate, a line of men stood beside their horses, fourteen of them."
TGH,Ch4, Summoned, hc 49 pb 58
Siuan says that, "I am the fifth in a row raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue." Not true, as Sierin Vayu was Gray.
In the corrected versions Siuan says, "Four of the last five women raised to Amyrlin Seat have come from the Blue."
TGH,Ch26, Discord, hc 323 pb 384
When Rand returns Thom's harp and flute to the gleeman in Cairhien, Thom grumbles about the harp, "At least you could have kept it in tune." Music lovers complained that one should not store any stringed musical instrument with the strings tight and Thom would surely know that.
Thom now says, "At least you weren't fool enough to try keeping it tuned."
TGH,Ch36, Among the Elders, hc 437 pb 518
Mat says, "Neysa Ayellin thinks I'm handsome." Rand thinks, "Neysa Ayellin was almost as pretty as Egwene." Yet in TSR, Neysa Ayellin is a member of the Women's Circle, gray-haired and horse-faced. Are there two women with the same name?
Now, "Marisa Ayellin thinks I'm handsome." In the hardcover edition, the error is only partly corrected with one reference still to Neysa.
TGH,Ch49, What Was Meant To Be, hc 574 pb 678 Starscape 414
"Lan sat under a tree sharpening his sword;" but Lan knows full well that his One Power wrought sword never needs sharpening.
Now, "Lan sat under a tree sharpening his beltknife;"
TGH Glossary, hc 580 pb 684
The glossary entry for Aiel warrior societies describes a few of them, "such as the Stone Soldiers, the Red Shields or the Maidens of the Spear." But in TDR Jordan changes the society name to Stone Dogs.
The glossary entry is now corrected to read, "such as the Stone Dogs, the Red Shields or the Maidens of the Spear."
TGH Glossary, hc 593 pb 699, TDR Glossary, hc 591 pb 694
The glossary entry for Siuan Sanche says, "Raised to the Amyrlin Seat [in] 985 NE." This is wrong as the text states that she has been Amyrlin for nearly ten years.
The glossary entry is now corrected to read, "Raised to the Amyrlin Seat [in] 988 NE."
TDR,Ch6, The Hunt Begins, hc 63 pb 99
Perrin tells Min, "Uh...Min, you know I like you. I like you, but...Uh...I never had a sister, but if I did, I...I mean, you...." But in TSR Padan Fain kills Perrin's family including two sisters.
Perrin now tells Min, "Uh...Min, you know I like you. I like you, but...Uh...you sort of remind me of my sisters."
TDR,Ch25, Questions, hc 235 pb 292
Going over the Black Ajah members, Elayne says, "Amico Nagoyin was the youngest, only four years older than Egwene and I." This makes Amico about twenty-two, too young to have a noticeable change in appearance when she is stilled. (TSR,Ch5)
It now reads, "Amico Nagoyin was the youngest, some fifteen years older than Egwene and I."
TDR,Ch33, Within the Weave, hc 309 pb 375
Perrin and the others are, "approaching the River Manetherendrelle and the border of Lugard," only the city of Lugard is still many miles away.
The sentence now reads, "approaching the River Manetherendrelle and the border of Murandy,"
TDR,Ch33, Within the Weave, hc 314 pb 380
"The sign over the door of the inn Lan led them to, nearer the river, read Wayman's Forge, which Perrin took for a good omen." On the next page, however, proprietor Gainor Furlan welcomes them to Wayland's Forge.
The sentence now reads, "The sign over the door of the inn Lan led them to, nearer the river, read Wayland's Forge, which Perrin took for a good omen."
TDR,Ch38, Maidens of the Spear, hc 361 pb 432
Aviendha introduces herself. "'My name is Aviendha,' the Aiel woman said, 'of the Bitter Water sept of the Taardad Aiel.'" Evidence in this chapter and later in the series says that this is the wrong sept.
Aviendha now introduces herself thusly, "'My name is Aviendha,' the Aiel woman said, 'of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel.'"
TDR,Ch41, A Hunter's Oath, hc 402 pb 477
Moiraine gives Perrin a "cold blue stare." The problem is that Moiraine is repeatedly described as having dark eyes.
Moiraine now gives Perrin a "cold dark stare."
TSR,Ch5, Questioners, hc 81 pb 114
A sentence about Joiya Byir reads, "Joiya [...] had been White Ajah, and had lost none of the Whites' cool arrogance on shifting her allegiance to the Black." When ACoS issued, it became clear that there were three of Liandrin's group from the White Ajah.
The passage now reads, "Joiya [...] had been Gray Ajah, and had lost none of the Grays' cool self-possession on shifting her allegiance to the Black."
TSR,Ch35, Sharp Lessons, hc 401 pb 576
Egwene wakes in her tent in the Aiel Waste. "For the first time Egwene realized Nynaeve's blankets were empty." Of course they are empty; Nynaeve is in Tanchico.
The sentence now reads, "For the first time Egwene realized Moiraine's blankets were empty."
TSR,Ch39, A Cup of Wine, hc 447 pb 643
Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom and Juilin meet up with Bayle Domon in Tanchico, "Thom's cloak made Domon's eyebrows rise," and then goes on to Juilin. Strange that he did not recognize Thom.
Now it reads, "Thom's cloak made Domon's eyebrows risefor an instant she almost thought it looked as though he recognized the gleeman"
TSR,Ch42, A Missing Leaf, hc 478 pb 690
"Wil had each arm around a pretty, big-eyed Tinker girl, of course, and Ban Lewin, with his nose and a bandage around his head making his dark hair stand up in a brush, held hands with another, smiling shyly." But there is no one named Ban Lewin in the series.
His name is corrected to Ban al'Seen.
TSR,Ch46, Veils, hc 526 pb 759
In Tanchico when Moghedien compels the girls and asks if they have any ter'angreal, Elayne thinks, "Elayne was conscious of the twisted stone ring hanging between her breasts, but that was not the question." In TFoH, we learn that they also have the amber plaque and iron disc.
"Elayne was conscious of the twisted stone ring hanging between her breasts and the amber plaque dream ter'angreal secure in a pocket inside her skirt for safe keepingNynaeve had the iron disc ter'angreal in a pocket between her skirts; those things could not be left lying aboutbut that was not the question."
TSR,Ch54, Into the Palace, hc 633 pb 913
After her fight in the Panarch's Palace, Nynaeve thinks, "If only Egwene had not run into any trouble, they might make it out of here safely after all." Only Egwene is in the Aiel Waste.
The sentence now reads, "If only Elayne had not run into any trouble, they might make it out of here safely after all."
TSR,Ch58, The Traps of Rhuidean, hc 674 pb 971
After his battle with Asmodean, Rand notes that "[...] Avendesora, only one branch on the great tree hung broken." This contradicts the beginning of TFoH where Avendesora is badly burned.
The sentence now reads, "Avendesora blazed like a torch."
TSR,Ch58, The Traps of Rhuidean, Footer hc 681 pb 981
In the first paperback printings, the citation for the footer quote is "The Wind of Time by Sulamein so Bhagad."
In later printings the citation matches the hardcover, "The Wheel of Time by Sulamein so Bhagad."
TFoH,Ch19, Memories, hc 252 pb 356, LoC,Ch16, Tellings of the Wheel, hc 278 pb 385
The previous queen of Andor and mother of Tigraine is named Modrellein. This is a duplicate of the name of an old queen of Andor and is contradicted in the Guide.
Her name is changed to Mordrellen.
TFoH,Ch23, "The Fifth, I Give You," hc 291 pb 411 10th hc 13th pb Egwene approaches a group of Wise Ones near Rand. "They barely glanced at Egwene, their eyes and ears focused on him and the six clan chiefs." The problem is that seven clans have joined Rand at this point.
It now reads, "They barely glanced at Egwene, their eyes and ears focused on him and the seven clan chiefs."
TFoH,Ch36, A New Name, hc 409 pb 578
Birgitte tells Elayne, "You saved my life, Daughter-Heir of Andor. I will keep your secret and serve you as Warder." But later Birgitte does not believe that Elayne is the Daughter-Heir.
The sentence is now corrected to read, "You saved my life, Elayne. I will keep your secret and serve you as Warder."
TFoH,Ch48, Leavetakings, hc 552 pb 777
Nynaeve packs up Ronde Macura's remedies including, "that dreadful forktongue root."
Now she packs up, "that dreadful forkroot."
LoC,Prologue, The First Message, hc 35 pb 34
Faile thinks of Ewin Finngar, "...and Ewin was her own age." But that would make Faile no more than fifteen when she met Perrin.
The line now reads, "...and Ewin not really that much younger than she herself."
LoC,Ch1, Lion on the Hill, hc 67 pb 79
Lord Lir is described as "The High Seat of House Anshar." Other references in the text make it clear that this is incorrect.
Lord Lir is now described as "The High Seat of House Baryn."
LoC,Ch11, Lessons and Teachers, hc 209 pb 288
With Alanna, Verin thinks, "It had taken her ten years to get over Balinor's death and bond Ihvon." This makes it sound like Balinor was Alanna's previous Warder.
Verin now thinks, "It had taken her ten years to get over Balinor's death and bond Tomas."
LoC,Ch16, Tellings of the Wheel, hc 273 pb 379
Bashere announces four visitors, "My Lord Dragon, [...] I give you Lady Dyelin of House Taravin, Lord Abelle of House Pendar, Lady Ellorien of House Traemane, and Lord Pelivar of House Coelan." This is an unfortunate gaffe, as Lord Pelivar is not there.
Bashere now introduces, "Lord Luan of House Norwelyn."
LoC,Ch26, Connecting Lines, hc 375 pb 524
Thinking of women who died for him, Rand considers, "and Dailin, of the Iron Mountain Taardad." However, in TDR,Ch38 Aviendha says that Dailin is the same sept as she, Nine Valleys.
Rand now thinks, "and Dailin, of the Nine Valleys Taardad."
LoC,Ch40, Unexpected Laughter, hc 516 pb 725
When Mat gives Thom the letter from Moiraine, he sees Thom stuff "it into his coat pocket with the tree-and-crown seal yet unbroken." But in TFoH,Ch52 the letter was sealed with blue wax embossed with her Great Serpent ring.
This has been corrected to read, "Now he stuffed it into his coat pocket with the blue wax seal yet unbroken."
LoC,Ch43, The Crown of Roses, hc 549 pb 770
"Merana had worn the shawl ten years the day the midwife laid Alanna at her mother's breast." hc 551 pb 774 Later, Merana thinks, "... in forty-six years, the Fifth Treaty of Falme was her only real failure." Implying that Merana has worn the shawl for forty-six years. These two statements peg Alanna as being thirty-six years old. This is inconsistent with other references to their ages.
It now reads, "Merana had been Aes Sedai above thirty years the day the midwife laid Alanna at her mother's breast." and: Later, Merana thinks, "... in eighty years, the Fifth Treaty of Falme was her only real failure."
LoC Glossary, hc 705 pb 996
The glossary entry for Deane Aryman says she was, "Born circa FY 920 in the village of Salidar, in Eharon." Eharon disappeared during the Trolloc Wars. In FY 920 Salidar would probably have been within the borders of Shiota.
It now reads, "Born circa FY 920 in the village of Salidar, in Shiota."
LoC Glossary, hc 709 pb 1000
ACoS Glossary, hc 676 pb 869
The LoC and ACoS glossaries along with the Guide are mutually inconsistent on the details of linking. Per Team Jordan, the correct language is:
Linking: the ability of women who can channel to combine their flows of the One Power. While the combined flow is not as great as the sum total of the individual flows, it is directed by the person who leads the link and that can be used much more precisely and to far greater effect than the individual flows could be. Men cannot link their abilities without the presence of a woman or women in the circle. Up to thirteen women can link without the presence of a man. With the addition of one man, the circle can increase to twenty-six women. Two men can take the circle to include thirty-four women, and so on until the limit of six men and sixty-six women is reached. There are links that include more men and fewer women, but except in the linking of one man and one woman, one woman and two men, or of course, two men and two women, there must always be at least one more woman in the circle than there are men. In most circles, either a man or a woman can control the link, but a man must control in the circle of seventy-two as well in mixed circles of fewer than thirteen. Although men are in general stronger in the Power than women, the strongest circles are those which contain as near as possible to equal numbers of men and women. See also: Aes Sedai.
ACoS,Ch5, A Broken Crown, hc 121 pb 144
Speaking of Colavaere taking the Sun Throne, Dobraine says, "The ninth sunset after her coronation already." That makes the current day Colavaere's ninth on the throne. In the next chapter in the Grand Hall, Colavaere says, "Nine days ago at sunrise I was crowned." That makes the current day (the same day) her tenth on the throne.
Now Colavaere says, "Eight days ago at sunrise I was crowned."
ACoS,Ch12, A Morning of Victory, hc 244 pb 305
When Egwene catches Myrelle and Nisao with Lan, "The Green sister and the Brown eyed her warily." Only Nisao is Yellow Ajah.
The sentence now reads, "The Green sister and the Yellow eyed her warily."
ACoS,Ch20, Patterns Within Patterns, hc 354 pb 448
Caddar tells Sevanna, "I told you to use a single Wise One, Sevanna, not six." But there are seven channeling Wise Ones with Sevanna. They are identified by name.
Caddar now says, "I told you to use a single Wise One, Sevanna, not seven."
ACoS,Ch20, Patterns Within Patterns, hc 356 pb 451 ACoS,Ch33, A Bath, hc 518 pb 665 ACoS,Ch40, Spears, hc 635 pb 819
In LoC, Rand is unimpressed when Merana and her party use Illusion to make themselves appear huge. Lews Therin laughs saying, "They think to impress me with the Mirror of Mists?" It is even the chapter title. In ACoS, however, the Forsaken and Rand think of it as the Mask of Mirrors.
The references in ACoS now refer to it as Mirror of Mists.
ACoS,Ch21, Swovan Night, hc 364 pb 463
"So there they all were, closeted in their apartments with Thom and Justin..." Who is Justin?
The sentence now reads, "So there they all were, closeted in their apartments with Thom and Juilin..."
ACoS,Ch22, Small Sacrifices, hc 383 pb 488
On her mother at the White Tower, Elayne thinks, "Morgase Trakand [...] would have been sent away in a matter of weeks probably, had she not then been Daughter-Heir." Morgase was High Seat of House Trakand at the time, not Daughter-Heir.
The sentence now reads, "had she not then been heir to a strong House."
ACoS,Ch29, The Festival of Birds, hc 473 pb 607
During the Festival of Birds, Reanne thinks of "the half moon, still six nights off." The next day, Mat notes that, "tomorrow night was the Feast of Embers, with Maddin's Day [...] two days after that, and the Feast of the Half Moon the following night." This is a day earlier than Reanne's timing.
Now Reanne thinks of "the half moon, still five nights off."
ACoS,Ch35, Into the Woods, hc 552 pb 709
At the rebel camp, Min sees "three Aes Sedai talking together in shawls fringed green and brown and gray." They are later identified as Cadsuane and her companions, Samitsu and Niande. Niande is Gray Ajah but Samitsu is Yellow Ajah, not Brown.
It now reads, "three Aes Sedai talking together in shawls fringed green and yellow and gray."
ACoS,Ch39, Promises to Keep, hc 610 pb 785
Mat recalls, "Something over a thousand years ago a Sea Folk woman had called an Essenian soldier a son of the sands just before trying to plant a blade in his ribs." But Essenia was destroyed in the Trolloc Wars over two thousand years ago.
It now reads, "Something over a thousand years ago a Sea Folk woman had called a Shiotan soldier a son of the sands just before trying to plant a blade in his ribs."
ACoS,Ch41 A Crown of Swords hc 640 pb 823
Cadsuane tells Rand, "You can thank Sumeko that you're alive, and Master Flinn." Sumeko, of course, is doing her Healing in Ebou Dar.
Cadsuane tells Rand, "You can thank Samitsu that you're alive, and Master Flinn."
TPoD,Ch1, To Keep the Bargain, hc 54 pb 48
"Elayne regretted not having a chance to see the Festival of Birds, two days before, [...] Nynaeve [...] began talking about the Feast of Embers, to be held that night." This is clearly wrong. From the end of ACoS, it is the day after the Festival of Birds and the day before the Feast of Embers.
It now reads, "Elayne regretted not having a chance to see the Festival of Birds, just yesterday,"
TPoD,Ch12, New Alliances, hc 276 pb 307
Cadsuane thinks to herself, "Alanna had worn the shawl almost forty years;" This is inconsistent with Alanna being Accepted in New Spring and other references.
Cadsuane now thinks to herself, "Alanna had worn the shawl over twenty years;"
TPoD,Ch20, Into Andor, hc 394 pb 443
Elayne notes how her party stands out. "It was hardly a group that could escape notice, [...], and nine Aes Sedai, six of them recognizably so to anyone who knew what to look for." The three who are young are Elayne, Nynaeve and Sareitha, but there are only five others, Adeleas, Vandene, Merilille, Careane and Ispan, for a total of eight, not nine.
Elayne now thinks, "It was hardly a group that could escape notice, [...], and eight Aes Sedai, five of them recognizably so to anyone who knew what to look for."
WH,Ch8, Sea Folk and Kin, hc 194 pb 217
Speaking of the murders of Ispan and Adeleas, Vandene tells Elayne that Kirstian and Zarya, "have been thinking over events in Harlon Bridge." Only the murders occurred in Cullen's Crossing.
The line now reads that Kirstian and Zarya, "have been thinking over events in Cullen's Crossing."
WH,Ch11, Ideas of Importance, hc 259 pb 292
"Rainyn, [...] who also served on a soarer," In TPoD Rainyn is Windfinder on a darter. So which is it?
Now the line reads, "Rainyn, [...] who also served on a darter,"
WH,Ch25, Bonds, hc 491 pb 569
Rand talks to Alanna, "'Go back to Cairhien,' he said. 'Tell Rafela and Merana I want them to approach the rebels in Haddon Mirk. Tell them to take Bera and Kiruna, too.' Those were the four besides Alanna whom Min said he could trust." But Min's viewing was of Alanna, Bera, Merana, Rafela and Faeldrin. Kiruna was off with Sorilea at the time.
Rand now says, "Tell them to take Bera and Faeldrin, too."
KoD,Ch2, The Dark One's Touch, hc 138 pb 139
Beonin describes Skimming and Traveling to Elaida, "That is called a gateway. It can only be used to reach a place you know well, but you learn a place by making a gateway there, and to go somewhere you do not know well, you use Skimming." She has them backwards.
She now says, "It's well that I have been to these rooms before, because it can only be used from places you know well. To journey from a place you do not know well, you use Skimming."
KoD,Ch10, A Village in Shiota, hc 263 pb 277
Mat does not tell all about the Snake people and the Fox people, "Not about his answers from the Eelfinn, certainly, or his two gifts from the Aelfinn." He has the two reversed.
He now says, "Not about his answers from the Aelfinn, certainly, or his two gifts from the Eelfinn."
KoD,Ch26, As If the World Were Fog, hc 566 pb 617
Wondering how late the Shaido might stay in Malden, Perrin thinks, "Galina had seemed unsure on that." He knows her only as Alyse.
He now thinks, "Alyse had seemed unsure on that."
New Spring, hc 666 pb ??? NS,Ch17 An Arrival, hc 234
In the novella Cadsuane tells Moiraine, "You've worn the shawl five months, and you have affairs that cannot wait? Phaaw!" Evidently Jordan rethought the timing when he rewrote the novel.
Now Cadsuane says, "You've worn the shawl only four months or so, and you have affairs that cannot wait? Phaaw!"
These are more difficult to judge as it is always possible that Jordan had some subtle intent for saying what he did. These are the errors that seem most clear cut.
TEotW,Ch43, Decisions and Apparitions, hc 547 pb 650 TEotW,Ch46, Fal Dara, hc 581 pb 691
Loial says, "The Green Man. The Eye of the World. They're mentioned in the books, of course, but I don't think any Ogier has actually seen them in, oh, quite a long time." Three chapters later he says, "Elder Haman always talks about his meeting with the Green Man, and so does my father, and most of the Elders." So did the Elders meet the Green Man or not?
TDR,Ch46, Questions, hc 458 pb 541
Morgase tells Mat to send a message back to Elayne in the White Tower, "Tell her I often think of my own time there, and miss the quiet talks with Sheriam in her study." Morgase returned to Andor from the White Tower shortly after Tigraine disappeared in 972 NE. Sheriam was still a novice at that time. She could not become Mistress of Novices for at least a decade.
TPoD,Ch6, Threads, hc 145 pb 154 5th hc 7th pb As Elayne unweaves her gateway, "All that stopped her from gasping in relief when the thread of Air began whipping about, finally loose, was that there were more to go." Only we learned in LoC,Ch34 and LoC,Ch37 that the saidar weave for Traveling is only Spirit.
WH,Ch27, To Surprise Kings and Queens, hc pb 1st hc 4th pb After visiting the Borderland rulers, Elayne Travels to a field near Caemlyn that she knows well. If Elayne goes from a place she does not know to a place she knows well she would Skim, not Travel.
WH,Ch35, With the Choedan Kal, hc 628 pb 733
Where is Erian? In an interview Jordan stated that this is, indeed, a mistake and that it will be corrected in later printings. She stayed with the Warders to help guard Min and Harine.
KoD,Ch37, Prince of the Ravens, hc 745 pb 819
While Mat is looking at Blaeric and Fen, "He thought of telling Fen that his stub of a topknot looked ridiculous." Fen is Saldaean. Blaeric is the Shienaran who would be re-growing his topknot.
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